Zuckerberg said of her birthday

News Desk: Yesterday May 14 was the most popular social networking sites Facebook founder and chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg's birthday. He observed the day after the occurrence. The main attraction was her daughter's birthday. Zuckerberg became the father of a daughter in November last year.

Verified her Facebook page, Zuckerberg said yesterday that he was 3 years old. The day will be memorable to her. For example, in California, Max came to Facebook in the office.
Zuckerberg said Facebook headquarters of Max stopped and helped to celebrate my birthday. "
He said, "I thank you all for sending messages to congratulate."
Max riding on the lap of her mother, Priscilla Chan, Facebook's head office came to her father's birthday.

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May 19, 2016 at 4:50 AM delete

I wish her baby all the best.
