How severe damage to sugar in your mouth

Everyone knows how much unhealthy food with high sugar or cinipurna. Starting from tooth decay, causing everything from weight gain to sugar. However, the study did so long that, how much sugar can impair your face.

"Sugar Face" is the name of a common word. The condition is caused by having too much sugar foods. The facial skin is itching, swelling under the eyes and the skin becomes pale. Experts said that in addition to being invisible to sugar, causing yet more damage.

Darmatalajistasa of the Association of the British expert said. Tamara Griffiths said, there is plenty of food cinipurna glisemika inadekta (GI). The amount of sugar in the body is random. The production of the hormone insulin, which is why diabetes is obstruction. In addition, the extra sugar to rapid balirekhe work.

Collagen facial skin elasticity by reducing the sugar bonds. Glaikesana destroyed cinipurna food to take care of skin collagen and other ingredients ties.

According to some experts, the sugar the body absorbs water. As a result of increased oil production in the skin. Oily skin can be a lot ekani.

However, sugar levels balanced diet health experts feel that might come in handy. Britain's National Health Services, which advises that a certain amount of sugar intake will not hurt. According to, one day more than 30 grams of sugar should not eat. Source: Independent

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