The ruling was the first US President Barack Obama visited the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack, he said, from the heart of Hiroshima, the world should never deleted. G-7 summit on the occasion of the historic visit to Japan on Friday, Obama said. However, in line with the White House announced earlier that he did not regret officially from the US atomic bomb attack.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, built with US President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe floral tribute to those killed in the bombing. After the speech there to build a nuclear weapon free world, Obama urged the world.
Yesterday afternoon, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Obama first visited the Hiroshima Memorial Museum. Then they go to the Hiroshima Peace Park. The two leaders stood in silence tribute to the memory of those killed, and by placing wreaths.
Hiroshima commemoration of the attacks on the US president said in his speech, "the day of death comes down from the sky, and in a few moments changed the shape of the world." Obama said, "The memory of Hiroshima must never deleted from the human mind. For example, it has sharpened our thinking, our humanity is awake. Provides hope to change the way we move forward. "
After the end of World War II, grew up in the United States-Japan relations, praised Obama said, "We just have not turned sahayogitei friends .... it was one of the strong bilateral relationship in the world. Forget the old hostility between the two countries to prove this relationship and how friendship can be established. "
President of the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack on the United States to speak with the elders of the two survivors.
At the end of the Second World War, the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, 1 million 40 thousand people were killed. The city becomes a wreck. The world is astounding to see the atomic bomb, the deadliest dhbansaksamatara. Hiroshima Nagasaki three days later, another similar bomb attack in the city of 74 thousand people died.