Goldenglitter of ass at cann.

The second day of the 65th Cannes International Film Festival, nude-colored evening dress caught the attention of the Indian actress Aishwarya Rai. The third day of the golden-colored dress designed by Elie Saber He surprised everyone once again.

Eli Saber favorite designer clothes walked past the former World earrings red carpet. However, this went beyond all previous jaulusakeo the golden evening dress. As well as hair and dark maroon color left side of ash-colored lips became the center of attraction easily.
Phyaragamo coincide with the brand shoes and clothing and harnesses buseranera diamond she wore rate.

Panerobarera the Cannes Film Festival Aishwarya joined the cosmetics brand L'Oreal Paris as panyaduta. On the third day, he invited the guests to enjoy Cannes 'Le sister ginta Gross' movie.

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