Online Health News: keep teeth clean and trouble-free day, you should brush your teeth at least twice! That's what everybody thinks. But you know what the rules are now obsolete.
In fact, due to excessive tooth brush loss may be higher than the benefit. There are many people who think that brushing teeth after every meal is beneficial. Their idea is to clean the teeth.
However, everyone knows that it is not good for anything extra. Tooth brush more often than necessary as a result of the increased drastically.
An extra tooth on the harmful aspects of health are highlighted. Brush your teeth immediately after drinking tea or coffee is quite harmful. Similarly carbonated soft drinks or brushing teeth immediately after eating should not at all. If the brush because of the drink after the acid component of the tooth enamel may be burned. As a result, the acid brush and tooth enamel inside the ete.
According to experts, the day after each meal brushing teeth twice is not enough at all necessary. And how important it is to brush your teeth after a meal, depending on what kind of food has been eaten.
Tofu ayasidika eating citrus fruit is eaten or if carbonated , but should not brush your teeth after eating. This will cause more harm than good. Moreover, more than dentists Brush the top layer is damaged as a result.
The "sensitivity" teeth can be a problem.